Mission, Vision and Values
Our Mission
Oaks Community Church is a family on mission who multiply disciples and represent the gospel to every man, woman, and child so that God may be glorified.
Our Vision
Our vision at Oaks Community Church is to see gospel saturation throughout Collier County. Our goal is to multiply disciples, multiply leaders, and multiply churches so that we can multiply gospel influence.
Our Values
We are committed to knowing God, worshiping God, and being led by God.
We are committed to embracing the gospel, applying the gospel and proclaiming the gospel.
We are committed to embracing God’s mission, understanding what the mission demands of us and living as missional ambassadors.
We are committed to seeing people trust Christ, obey Christ and imitate Christ.
We are committed to resting in our identity as adopted children of God, caring for one another, and embracing life-giving biblical community